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Here Write Now's Top 3 Resume Tips
When it comes to applying for your first grad roles, a well-crafted resume can make or break your chances of landing an interview. Here...
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Understanding Termination Clauses, Navigating the Path to a Smooth Exit
They say there’s only one thing constant in life, and that’s change. When it comes to employment, that couldn’t be truer. While we may...
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Book Club - What The Savvy Grad's are Reading
We LOVE chatting with people about the books that have changed the way we think about one thing or another. We’re gathered a list of our...
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Sole Trader or PTY LTD, which is right for me?
Setting yourself up with the business structure that is right for you is critical for success. You will need to evaluate your...
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Help, I'm confused about how GST is covered in my contract!
You’ve just received your first contract and might be surprised to see that the Goods and Services Tax (GST) receives a mention… or a...
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Striking balance between work and life
No matter your profession, we all find ourselves from time to time struggling to strike the ultimate work-life balance; a never-ending...
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Demystifying Commission Structures
Dental contracts can be challenging to navigate, particularly as they operate in a way that is unique to most medical industries. The...
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Top 5 Savvy Ways to Negotiate A Contract Change and Potential Raise
Negotiating a contract change can be one of the most nerve-wracking things you do in your professional life. Whether you're seeking a...
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The Savvy Guide to Superannuation Guarantee
Confused about Superannuation Guarantee (SG)? If you're unfamiliar with this term, don't worry, we're here to break down everything you...
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Our ‘Why’. Empowering Graduates With Contract Assistance
Congratulations, you’ve made it to the other side of graduation and landed your first job offer... now what? As exciting as this new...
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